Mission, Purpose, Vision.

Northcross Christian School is a vibrant and thriving school, carrying on the vision of those who established it more than 40 years ago. We are grateful for the generosity of our community and alumni who share our purpose and commitment to allow each child to prosper in an education rooted in faith in Christ.

We recognise that each person’s capacity to donate varies, and we appreciate that giving comes in many different ways. Every donation carries the power to make a significant difference. Your support contributes to the development and wellbeing of our students both current and still to come, and enables us to grow, improve and be sustainable into the future. Thank you for being a part of the Northcross journey.

Gifts and donations made to the Northcross Building Fund will be part of an investment into the future building and growth of our school.

Donations to our School Funds

Donations to the fund can be made by electronic transfer into the following accounts:



Northcross Building Fund

BSB 032 088

Account 164363

Northcross Library Fund

BSB 704922

Account 100020413

Please include your family code or your full name in the description so we can supply a tax receipt.

For credit card donations, please contact Northcross Administration on 9809 5252 or [email protected].