Our aim is to make a positive contribution at the school.
With the help of all parents, we organise fundraising events throughout the school year and the funds raised are directed back to Northcross to be put towards improving and enhancing our children’s learning environment. Some outcomes of our fundraising in recent years have included Smart Boards for classrooms, plants and landscaping for the school grounds, new playground equipment and more recently, iPads for the K-2 classrooms.
There are many opportunities for all parents to get involved. Parents are strongly encouraged to assist with reading groups, art lessons & excursions within their child’s classes. If timing is an issue, then there are other options such as volunteering at the uniform shop, canteen, landscaping & gardening working bees, baking & cooking, library support, sports events, etc. which offer a more flexible option for busy parents.
Prayer is an important element at Northcross. As parents, we not only support our teachers and staff through volunteering in classes, excursions and sporting carnivals, we also pray for them as they guide, nurture and academically nourish our children. We have prayer group meetings where parents meet together to pray for the school every week.
We encourage ALL parents to get involved with the P&F as your time permits. Experience has taught us that our children learn best when we work in close collaboration with their teachers and the school to enrich their minds and challenge them to achieve newer and bigger goals.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line.
Enquiries: [email protected]
Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6