At Northcross we want our students to thrive


Northcross is a double-streamed Primary (K-6) school with over 370 students that has been providing quality Christ-centred education in the Ryde area for more than 40 years.

Northcross is not just about excellence in education, sport, the arts and community service but it’s about growing students into strong, confident and resilient human beings. We want to see our students, their families and the broader community to flourish under God. We want to see our students go into the world and be future leaders, influencers and world changers.


Tour Mornings

Our next Tour Mornings will be held:

In Term 3:
Thursday 12th September.

In Term 4:
Thursday 31st October and Thursday 28th November.

The Tours start at 9.15am and run for approximately 30-40 minutes.
We have limited places. Priority is given to families starting kindergarten in 2026.
Bookings are essential. Please contact the school office on 9809 5252.

At Northcross we want our students to have tough minds, tender hearts and serving hands.

We acknowledge God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the creator of Heaven and Earth and His sovereignty over all things. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land now known as Ryde, the Wallumedagal clan of the Darug nation, and pay respect to their Elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land, as they are important to First Nations people living today. We acknowledge the injustices faced by First Nations people and express our desire to see Northcross take on a more significant role in the journey towards reconciliation across our nation.